The days leading up to new years was i was helping a mates fiancee to lose some weight (for the big day) by riding my Scott P3 with her from East Perth riverside to UWA and back. 1st day she was doing ok and the 2nd day she felt the stiffness/aching in her legs and she was struggling. What even made it worst was when she looked back at how i was going (if i was struggling like her) i was standing upright (because the seat was hurting my ass) a pedaling like i was going out for a walk and didn't break a sweat.
So on new years eve we had dinner at her place with a few other mates around, drinking and enjoying the night. She brings up the events for that week, of her riding along with me and she gives me the look "oh dam you I am going to make you feel what i felt riding" So she suggested I should go for a ride with her fiance because it will be more "fun" (he is like hell fit, bike riding/soccer/gym and I am like a over weight 85kg IT consultant with man boobs who can't go any further than 20km on a bike at avg speed of 20 flat no wind). So as we were half drunk and happy, we some how decided to go for a bike ride on new years day because less traffic and everyone will be asleep, 1st we said east perth to UWA but that seemed to easy so we suggested Fremantle sounded like a good challenge.
As Keong (the fiance) and I talked at the table other people around the table got interested and asked if they can join so from 2 it grew to 5. So the party finished at 2am and the bike ride was 8 but i had to wake up around 6, get ready and pick everyone up.
We got to north freo (stirling hwy splits to freo) and i got a flat. Tony (best mate) & I were knackered, we did like 5 stops to get there and i came 4th out of 5. we caught the train back from Freo but on that day i said, im gona get a racer to make these rides even more even and get fitter so i can keep up with top 2. (1st was a girl who instructs spin classes in the gym, 2nd Keong)
So that Saturday, i rocked up to Bikeforce in Joondalup and bought a Oppy C6, got it on that week Thursday. So since then i have been riding at least twice on the week days 24k+ each day and 45k+ Saturdays and when anyone suggest to go for a ride among my friends im there!!
My man boobs are slowly going away and i have been eating a lot heavier foods just to get that energy and the misses is very happy i have found a new healthy hobby.
Felica & Keong the 2 who really got me into cycling, you guys are the best.