Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lovely Saturday

Saturday!!! Forecast clear skies and warm temperature, going to be a nice day today.

4:30am Wake up. Out of bed and everything was already prep from the night before, but this time I had some porridge. Bought a box yesterday, restocking my bike supplements, 2 staminade, 12 bananas & 1 box of fruit bar box.

Taking the Cervelo out for its 1st decent test ride with the new wheels & tri-bars. had the wind proof gear on chest, arms & legs they work like a treat, 2 bananas in the back pocket, I decided to ride to Keongs so 5:10 out the door, it was still dark and everyone was still sound a sleep, I felt a bit of a hard core cyclist rolling down the street at that time of the morning and on 50mm dish rims, poser anyone?


As I was running late, I decided to meet Keong at Whitfords & Marmion so we could reach the Bikeforce group in time. The ride into Bikeforce was meant to be a warm up but do to time we pushed our selves to make it 10mins early. I was pretty much tired already and wanted to go home. It felt good to be back on the bike and stretching the legs, but my body still ached from Thursday gym. As we waited in B group there was a few regulars missing in A so we joined up.

Out the pack went onto Shenton and the normal cruise. I tried to pop on and off onto the tri-bars when I was behind the pack and still can't master the TT position, I felt the cross winds a lot more and when in the TT position it was scary. As we rode along, I asked the wise men how to become better, "Practice mate, best you keep trying on the back roads around your house" ahh man, that is what I have been doing, I guess I have to try more.

As we turned left on a round about up a decent hill, I was last and could see the pack separating, ok time to test the hill climb on this bike. Up I went like a rocket keeping a constant rpm, I hear yelling to my left as I pass the boys, "thats it Nghia push it!!" It was the scottish guy from the Gym those guys are hilarious, as I reach near to the peak, I kept the rpm stable and increase the gears, looking to my right a bloke decided to join me in the attack of the hill and he passed me with slight ease. A group rider, each time I see a rider do something with ease it just makes me more determined to get better. Pass the big ass around about and the pack stopped, the hill was a sprinting point.

Onto burns beach up the coast, talking to foes who have tackle past rides and future adventures, I felt a bit tired, the legs have done a decent km already, shifted to lower gear and cruised up another hill but not as a great haste. The pack then descents onto Jindalee shops as morning walkers stare at the vast men in lycra speeding by. Guys at the back of the pack got stuck at the lights (they will have to work hard to catch the pack)

I was now at the back of the pack, we rode onwards to Hester but noticed the guys in front of me were dropping off and didn't want to be left behind so I picked up speed up the hill and back to the safty of the main pack. Turn left and up a few more hills, was behind a few slow climbers but it was best for me to stay put and relax the legs.

The pack came to a halt, meeting point let the rest of the pack to catch up. As we waited Keong came up the hills, puff and tired going solo against the winds, pushing him self 30+kph to catch up. A few guys stayed behind to wait for the slower guys as the main group headed down Wanneroo, "SINGLE FILE PEOPLE" as members pointed out objects on the road, I decided to do a funny, put my left hands out and point my fingers down and shook it side to side saying lots of crap coming up and at the same time my right hand on the breaks because people tend to slow down. So what happens, someone decides to slow down or I was going a bit fast, hand on the breaks and it caused a bit of a swerve action at the front wheel and quickly my left hand came back in.

"OI hands on the breaks will yah" from Keong.
"IT WAS!!" me

Left turn into FLYNN sprint course as the pack grouped up and went wide taking the lane they bolted up the hill (well most some saved energy and crawled). Pass this guy, that guy and this big fit guy as well lets see if I can catch the head pack bah damit I was too far back in the pack at the start. Solo I went pushing 30kph+ 3/4 into the long straight a small pack of 4 caught up to me and I tagged along. Up a few easy hills, and down a nice big hill, I stayed clear of the 4 racing down and just rolled instead.

Stopping point, time to catch your breath and wait for the slow guys, Keong comes down soloing it again. Onto the main straight up a slow incline, as like always I am at the back. I see Keong up at front so, I sprinted up to him and drafted but at the same time pulled along some of the fast riders with me. Looked up again and saw Mike ahead and thought to my self, lets see if I can catch up to him. Bolted up and Mike is pretty quick, I was slowly pegging him back and at the back of my eye I can see Mal lurking ready to jump on me. PUSH PUSH come on!! stay ahead of Mal, Through the round about cross double lines, no cars, bolted down the hill. Getting closer to Mike nearly there, Wooshhhh pass Mal drafting off 2 other guys and I tried to latch onto them but then heard a SsSssSss.. bugger pulled to the side and my back tire got a puncture.

Hmmm what to do, ring Connie or actually try to repair it my self hmm.. I have never replaced a tube before, this will be my first time, but as a stood by the road moving onto the grass Mathew (oldish guy from the gym and a few bike rides together) stopped and lent me a hand on how to change the tube. He ended up doing most of the work.

Move gear to bottom, use the tire lever, undo the ring around the plug, pull the tube starting from the plug (i can't remember what that bit is called) and continue pulling out the tube. Then we got to the part where it punctured, there was a long ass nail that has gone through my tire, pass my tube, digging into my spoke hole. It was a sight to see, Mathew (tough bloke) had a bit of difficulty of taking it out. Put the new tube in, making sure its not pinched, used the C02 to pump it up, omg its a awesome thing you got to get one of these if you don't one. Put the tire back on and Bobs your uncle easy when you have someone who knows how to do it.

Rolled into the cafe and the gym guys were yelling "where were you guys, was going to call out the search party" Had coffee, a bit of a yarn with the boys and rode solo home. Overall did a 67km ride today a bit more then I wanted.

50km Lancelin ride tomorrow

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