Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Riding with Charlie

Back in the days of online gaming, you get to a point when you think that you have improved a fair bit Killing people with ease and your score was so good people called you a hacker.. but people ask you "man how you get so good?" and the standard answer "practice and join a club"

Well that still happens in the real world but HARDER. I have been riding for around 4 months now and have seen my self improve a lot, riding with B group with Bikeforce and doing major organized rides doesn't seem that daunting, just comparing your self with those riders (who seems like they ride quite often) you start feeling good.

But you know when you still have a long way way to go when you ride with your club in Peleton runs or riding with Charlie for an example.

CHARLIE!! Tall bloke with really strong legs. Yesterday evening I went out riding with him, I was there 1 hour early so I could warm up around the Jindalee area, ended up doing 10km.

The course was the Jindalee Time Trial. So we reset our computers at the start and told Charlie my best time around this course was 55mins with Keong no wind. Off we went up the hill and I shouted out to him, "LETS GET 30kph ave" the speed went up heaps, it felt like we were sprinting a 26km course. Up each hill Charlie pushed for 30kph and I was trying my best to be right behind him. On the 2nd last hill going towards Yancheap I just couldn't keep up with the speed, I dropped down to 26kph and Charile was still going at a lovely pace at 31kph+ infront of me. Head down and focus, 41kph constant and pegging him back, I had to do this every time after a climb. He didn't want to wait he wanted to push it like a made man, he has to be tired soon right? Nooo he kept on going, I tried to floor it up on the 2nd last hill back to Jindalee, doing high rpm low gears but got 3/4 up the hill and was knackered, Charlie passes me.. and the catch begins again.

I was looking at this rotation and gearing and he was good, it was constant and smooth. On the final leg of the TT I had nothing left in the tank for a sprint all I can do was a constant speed up the hill and when it dipped I gave it my last burst on energy to pass the light post and recorded 50mins flat 31.7kph average with head wind.

I have a ride with Keong today hoping to do the same course. See how we go.

1 comment:

  1. You've just blasted away my best time Nghia, wasn't it a few weeks ago I was telling you to pace yourself? Well done bro.
